BioMarin Pharmaceutical Japan K.K.

Interviews with employees

Work to Bring Hope to Patients.
We interviewed senior employees who are active at BioMarin.

Sales department

A major feature is that you can expand the scope of your work.

About the relationship between the company and the person

before joining the company

- Why did you join this company?

I joined the company because I wanted to work with rare diseases that would allow me to get closer to patients, and because I had a rich future pipeline.

-Were there any points that made you decide to join the company?

The deciding factor was that I could try anything without being bound by the framework.

- Did you have any concerns before joining the company?

The sales style was very different from my previous job, and I was a little nervous because I didn't have a clear idea of ​​what the activities would entail.

After joining the company

- How was it when you actually joined the company?

As I had imagined before joining the company, there was a big difference in the sales style, but I was able to adapt quickly. Additionally, there are many opportunities to grasp and analyze situations from a broader perspective, so being able to gain such experience is valuable.


-What do you think are the characteristics of BioMarin?

I think a major feature of this job is that you can expand the scope of your work, as you can be involved in a variety of tasks that are not limited to your own scope of work.

-What do you feel is BioMarin's challenge?

Since we are in the midst of expanding our organization, we have not been able to keep up with that growth in many ways. However, I believe that having such an experience is in itself extremely valuable.

Sales department

About work/business content

-Please tell us about your current job.

As a sales representative, I collect and provide information mainly to hospitals.

- Please tell us about the interesting and difficult parts of your work.

I think it's a very interesting part of being able to talk with Physicians and other healthcare professionals while thinking of common patients.
In order to achieve this, we first need to make patients more visible through awareness-raising activities, but there are times when we find this difficult.

-What kind of career do you want to build?

First of all, as a sales representative, I would like to use my presence to create a system where patients can receive appropriate treatment.
I also want to actively communicate what I want to do and take on new jobs and positions.

About privacy

-How do you spend your private time?

On holidays, I basically switch off and spend time with my family.
When I have time alone, I refresh myself by doing whatever I want to do depending on my mood at the time.

-Do you have any ideas that you value as an individual?

I am always conscious of valuing my time.
Time is limited in both work and private life, so what should we do to achieve better results within it? I try to think about this and act accordingly.

walk with family

-Are you able to balance your private life?

I think I am able to balance both. The environment is changing rapidly, so I often immerse myself in work in order to adapt to it, but when a child is born, I take childcare leave for a little over a month and devote myself fully to raising the child. I'm spending some days.

-Thank you very much!

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