BioMarin Pharmaceutical Japan K.K.

Interviews with employees

Work to Bring Hope to Patients.
We interviewed senior employees who are active at BioMarin.

Medical Affairs Department

How do we develop from now on?
Dialogue and transformation underway

medical affairs

Impressions of the company before and after joining the company

before joining the company

- Why did you join this company?

There are two main reasons.
One is that the products and developments are attractive.
As life sciences and biotechnology progress, so do pharmaceuticals.
In that sense, I think BioMarin is one of the companies that has led the industry.
The close proximity of scientific advances and clinical applications is very attractive.
The other is because I thought that the company was in the process of growing in the future.
I thought that there would be many opportunities for me to learn.
I thought that this was a different appeal from a complete start-up before getting on track as a business, or from a large company that had already matured organizationally.

Medical Affairs Department Mr. T

-How did you find out about the company?

I had seen the names of various biotechnology companies on overseas news sites for some time, so I knew the name of BioMarin among them.

-Are there any points or events that made you decide to join the company?

In addition to the reason I joined the company earlier, the atmosphere in which science-based activities and thinking are relatively respected, and the strong connection with overseas are also strong points.

- Did you have any concerns before joining the company?

After all, the Japanese corporation is small, so I was a little worried.
However, since I have been in an environment where multiple jobs are performed in a small organization, I thought that I would be able to do something about it.

After joining the company

- How was it when you actually joined the company?

There is a solid organization on the global side, so I felt a sense of security (in terms of anxiety before joining the company).
On top of that, I have the impression that dialogue and reform are currently underway as to how to develop activities in Japan from now on.
I hope that I can influence them in a positive direction.

- Did your image of the company change before and after joining?

After all, I think it's good to have a homely atmosphere by actually interacting with colleagues from Japan and overseas.

-What do you think are the characteristics of the company?

I think the focus is on providing treatments for rare diseases based on the latest science and technology.
In this respect, we have built up a track record and have a consistent vision for the future, so I feel that it is easy for our employees to head in the same direction.
Another feature is that medical affairs is highly rewarding because scientific knowledge, grounds, and communication are important.

Current work

-Please tell us about your career after joining the company.

After joining the company, as a medical manager in the medical affairs department, I was involved in creating evidence for two drugs under development and engaging in two-way scientific communication with the outside world. I was also involved in drug approval applications, drug price negotiations, and preparation of materials for market launch, mainly from a medical and scientific perspective.

-Please tell us about your current job.

The achondroplasia treatment drug that I was in charge of has been approved, so I will continue to create post-marketing evidence and promote two-way scientific communication with the outside world, aiming to make this drug useful for patients. .
As for evidence, while sorting out what kind of information is medically necessary, consider the results of past studies in Japan and overseas, ongoing studies, etc., and prepare the necessary data as much as possible. to This information will be communicated to those who need it through various channels such as papers and MSL.
We will also get advice on what kind of medical needs there are in the first place and use it for company activities.
Recently, we have also been involved in similar activities in other countries in the Asia Pacific region * .

*For more information on BioMarin's Asia Pacific Our Locations, please refer to Corporate Information: Our Locations: Our Locations around the Globe

-What kind of career do you want to build?

Appropriate use of science for patients through new drugs, advancement of medical affairs,
I would like to build a career in which I can contribute more in these two areas.

work life balance

-How do you spend your private time?

In my private life, I enjoy playing the violin.
I practice on my own, play in ensembles with friends, and hold concerts.
I started jogging after the corona misfortune.
Occasionally, I go hiking with my family when traveling.
I like documentaries on TV, and I sometimes watch European soccer leagues because of my childhood.

-Are you able to balance your private life?

There are busy days and times, but basically I think everyone respects each other when it comes to private time.
I personally think that I have enough private time, so I personally think that it is important to have a good balance and how to use my time.


-Thank you very much!

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