BioMarin Pharmaceutical Japan K.K.

Interviews with employees

Work to Bring Hope to Patients.
We interviewed senior employees who are active at BioMarin.

Human Resources Department

The growth of the Japanese corporation,
Human resources that supports global

human resources

Impressions of the company before and after joining the company

before joining the company

- Why did you join this company?

There are three main types.
One is that I was attracted to the products they sell. Although I work in the management department, I felt that I was indirectly contributing to society. I also felt that it was a company that I could be proud of for my children.
Second, all the interviewers I met during the interviews were nice people, and I felt a strong sense of their care for people and enthusiasm for their work, which made me want to be a part of this team.
Finally, when I thought about my career, I felt that the opportunity to work with Global as a human resources officer was extremely valuable and the biggest challenge of my career so far, but I also believe that it will allow me to grow as much as possible. That's what I thought.

-Were there any points that made you decide to join the company?

I was able to keep the same motivation from the beginning to the end about the above three points.
If you think about it, I met seven interviewers, and I think they all had a consistent story.

- Did you have any concerns before joining the company?

It wasn't just so-called "Japanese human resources", but I was also interacting with Global on a daily basis, and I was thinking about how to convey Japan, so I was more excited than anxious, and it may have been more like a warrior tremor. .

After joining the company

- How was it when you actually joined the company?

As I imagined before joining the company,
I have a lot of exciting things to learn and find out every day.

- Did your image of the company change before and after joining?

The big image gap was that there were more systems in place than I expected.

-What do you think are the characteristics of the company?

Everyone, including Global, is passionate about products and business, and I get the impression that there are many people who are always thinking about what they can do.
Also, I think it's a feature that there are many experienced members in each department.

-What do you like about the company?

Because we are still small, the communication barrier is low, and if there is anything you can feel free to contact us, including the representative and global members.
You won't be bothered if you ask any questions, so
I think it's very open and you can feel safe.

Personnel Department Mr. M

- What do you feel is the company's problem?

As the company grows rapidly, how can we foster a culture and whether we can all have the same goals in mind?
The question is whether the company's systems can keep up with the speed of growth.

-What do you want to do with this company?

As a human resources officer, I will design and maintain systems to the best of my ability within my current scale, and create an environment that is as easy to work in as possible.
In the future, we will also hire new graduates, develop people, and create a culture where people can grow. The ultimate goal is to create a company where employees can feel ``I'm glad to work for this company'' every day.

Current work

-Please tell us about your current job.

In addition to being involved in human resources matters such as recruitment, system design, and welfare, we are also introducing systems and equipment to protect employee safety. We are also involved in recruitment in countries other than Japan.

- Please tell us about the interesting and difficult parts of your work.

It is interesting to me that it is a delicate work that requires a dynamic and balanced sense, such as creating rules and systems that comply with the law while listening to the voices of employees.
After all, it makes me happy to create rules and systems that make employees happy.
As for the difficulties, I sometimes disappoint my employees because I can't fulfill all their wishes.

-What kind of career do you want to build?

I would like to become an expert in all things related to human resources and be one of the key people in building a better company.

work life balance

-How do you spend your private time?

I shop during the day (I buy in bulk on holidays because I have a large family),
I play futsal twice a month at night. On weekday nights, I play a serious game with my son.

-Do you have any ideas that you value as an individual?

Because I think that I have to enjoy myself in order to entertain the people around me,
I am always thinking about how I can enjoy both my work and my private life.
Thanks to this, the children say, "Daddy always looks like he's having fun."
Also, I am conscious of being a balanced type. Don't be too biased and don't be too persistent.
However, it is quite difficult because if you fail, it will be thought that you do not have your own ideas.


-Are you able to balance your private life?

yes. Personally, if I divide my work and leisure time too much, I might actually get tired, so I take the stance that I enjoy both my work and my private life at the same level, and make full use of my time.

-Thank you very much!

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